The light looms are being designed to be quick release in the event the front or rear clam shells need I'm splicing in a good quality waterproof ford connector.
Also recently finished off was the pedal box cover (Carbon of course)....a few holes were needed to allow for the steering column and the brake light switch. It was actually a difficult panel to fabricate as the pedal box is...umm...well....sort of that I mean not square, and a bit of an odd shape. You can also see in the pic below the addition of the brake fluid warning signs..again, an IVA requirement.
The main switch panel is also complete and sits in a panel in the drivers pod. It releases via 3 m4 bolts for ease of access if required, and the aux fuse box is located under the switches.
The main Fuse and relay box is in the passenger side pod (towards the rear).
Cover on:
Cover off:
For most of the wiring, I've used the slit convoluted tube to offer a level of protection, and where required some loom tape. The drivers side pod also has a small loom which takes the speedo, temp, oil signals from the engine. This comes together with the throttle cable on exit from the main chassis:
Finally, a few other pics of other areas of wiring: